Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hahas sorry sorry for the very very long long not posting.
kinda dam lazy to blog. wan to blog, but lazy to type a thing. ><
of course, these few days happen alot of things. good things bad things all have.
chinese coaching and blah blah.
idk why i still playing bball~ of cuz. i will try to control my time play. if not, i sure got killed by someone. hahas

haiz. my pay now everytime will got confiscated by my mum. Zzzzz
made me cannot buy anything. txk txk.

tts all for now bahs. alot of things i dont know how to type it out. but overall its fun! thanks to lionel,yunhui,charlie,dilys,yangxian,eugene,delene and and..idk who luh. hahas

today ptc is fun~~~ hahas thanks to all my friends. :D thanks guys!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

today art exam.. draw draw...colour colour..den finished. slept for 30mins. den over.
went 450. play a while. den tio called.zzzz
den went over to bustop..
the scene came...
a kitten was crying out in the road side...a lot of cars stop by a while.. and wait. and slowly drive past.. den a bus came...the kitten cry even louder... in a split second..the kitten is gone..and the kids behind me shout wheres the cat wheres the cat?! the bus den slowly drive...the kitten is gone... when the bus drive away... the kitten head is being crushed already...i can even see it shruggling for pain.. and it stopped... the kids was shock also.. i call yh they all, they came. and say to pick the cat up. i wen to pick up the cat. and put it at a side where the cars wont be running over it already... the scene is disgust...the kids even say that they are heros so loudly.. come out on newspaper and they will be famous in no time.. what fuck shit... made me piss off totally... sorry yh..
im still remembering the scene, remembering the weight of the kitten.. its size... everything....
deaths cant be ignored...
today played 8hrs of bball. theres all to say. i start to play street. but until the last game. i hate it the most. cuz i sucks to the core. its feels like im playing to a person that is me. O.O his foot steps are fast. or maybe i am slow. hahas.
cam home. burnt. leg cramp. gastrik. got cuts on leg. alot lahs. luckily i still can endure to the end. :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010 such a baka... i dont even know whats the reason..behind all these...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

today after exam
find darren.
go bbt.
slack a while wif darren,mikki,felicia they all.
played bball. till 1.30. ultra ultra de tired cuz tooo tooo long never play liaoz. but vry fast get used. play play play until my nerve dislocated for a while. totally cannot move my left leg. 0.0 den ask for sub. next is blisters bust. pain nia~
hahas. haiz....
still lose interest in bball. -.- hehe. borin sialllll. though its challenging. i finally can stop jiasheng from eatin me. hehe. kays nxt tue got free time again. :D byes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

sorry. i wont be postin till exams over. maybe 12th of May.