Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hahas sorry sorry for the very very long long not posting.
kinda dam lazy to blog. wan to blog, but lazy to type a thing. ><
of course, these few days happen alot of things. good things bad things all have.
chinese coaching and blah blah.
idk why i still playing bball~ of cuz. i will try to control my time play. if not, i sure got killed by someone. hahas

haiz. my pay now everytime will got confiscated by my mum. Zzzzz
made me cannot buy anything. txk txk.

tts all for now bahs. alot of things i dont know how to type it out. but overall its fun! thanks to lionel,yunhui,charlie,dilys,yangxian,eugene,delene and and..idk who luh. hahas

today ptc is fun~~~ hahas thanks to all my friends. :D thanks guys!

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