Thursday, September 9, 2010

Me here helping you blog again lahs. Currently at Malaysia yeah :D.
HAPPY 2MONTHS ! Iloveyou. Missing you now also.
Okay, goodbye.

Monday, September 6, 2010

after O' levels plan.
1st week- go crazy wif friends and babe.
2nd week-play, host a birthday party before flying to taiwan wif tzichi people.
3rd week-at taiwan
4th week-come back and party again! hang out wit babe. and DOTA!!!
other weeks- plan l8r

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Woooo. 8more days ♥ (L)
LOL. Short update, so randommmm. :D

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello! I'm here to help my lazy boyfriend post again! :D
Ilovehim ttm, yea. Just 1more week plus is our second month, and a few more days to his prelim! Ah. That's so fast! Time passes like that so quickly.
Hm, okay! End here for now. Zaijiaaaan (:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hm. I'm here to help him post. Well, his blog is undead cause he just updated.
Laughs. Using comp, and nothing to do at the same time. Do the links lor, so messy. o.o
Ahhahs. K, we bought a presents for april! Hope she like it lors. :B
Dont know what to say already. HAHS!
Sayonara aliens.!
IMISSHIM ALREADY, cause he cannot msg. TSK :/
Tag him people, Tag tag tag. Oh! Cause it's dead. LOL.
See-ing him in schl. BYEBYE! (^^,)
Yourlove, ME!
Had just updated for you. :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

long time long time never post luhs.
hahas. update abt myself abits.
started having money management. do money counting, note down what i brought, how much i spent blahs blahs.
days are getting more and more busier.
2 times of tuition a week. 2hrs 1 lesson. aLOT OF THINGS TO BUY!
O'levels coming! STRESS~~~~~~

kays kays. lazy to describe the days luh. hahas.~


Friday, July 9, 2010

now and everyday is lazy to post~
morning had breakfast with form teacher. 408
the school also.
hahas coffee and burger. dam nice~
first time ever~ i wish can everyday like that lor~
hahas. after that sugar rush. cuz drink too much sugar luh~
nth much also luh.
will be quite busy until o'levels finished.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Finally changed my blogskin~ happy~


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

long post...
father's day-----
went to EHUB with family, walk around walk walk.
den went to see bowling for a while. played arcade a while also.
den went to seol garden and ate from 6-9plus. hahas.
me and bro eat half way, run up to arcade and play for 40mins plus.
den go back to eat.
after eating.
went arcade play again.
play play went home.
after that yuwan bestie msg me. msg msg abt soccer and blahs blahs.
alot to msg.
yesteray de yesterday.
stay at home. and msg again to yuwan also. hahas.
tts all.

msg also. hahas.
tts all again~
PISSED OFF NOW! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
kays tts all.
random pix.

Friday, June 18, 2010

i wonder why is life so painful.. especially when ue like a person, but ue cant forget abt her. just hate it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

kays... nothing much happen this few days.
so nth much to blog about.
yesterday is YunHui's birthday.
happy birthday :D'

today went school, gave her present. hahas.'
just recalled that inside no card. ~.~
hope she remembers who give de.

now nth to do. BORING

this sunday, goin wild wild wet wif the whole family.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

today went to IT Show.
walk walk, buy some things.
bought a bag. brand call- BAGMAN
shld be better than crumpler bag.
waterproof also~

walk walk walk. saw schoolmates 0.0
den a guy go jisiao me and at the same time promote the internet.
ask me,do i play dota? Maple? i say yes for dota. den he start promote luh.
den just nice, my bro was askin. the guy go tell the female promoter, den say until dota also ~.~
den i paisei. hahas. but both of them very funny uh. :)

after that leave there. went to bedok inter. slept at bus, dam sleepy.
reach went to fengshan CC.
watch bball match at the same time.
dam cool. got a guy dam good. MVP. hahas
saw a cat also. DAM CUTE!!!!
went to bbt shop near my house.
eat french fries. went to reservoir. sat and look at the view. dam nice.
saw pri sch friend at there fishing. hahas
but didnt say hi.

kays. thats all for today :)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

today had art lesson. first to finish my part of the job. den went off to bball.
played awhile, the more i play, the more i get hype up. 2 pointer can shoot for 90 percent. 3ponit-20percent or maybe less.
but as i play...
those images infront of me, start to made me sad and anger.
contonued to play bball, kept hearing God Knows piano ver.

seriously..ue tell me... are things really that conecidence? or maybe its already there. ue start to learn, he also start to learn. so ue tryin to say everything is conecidence? i hope so. but when im came back, why everthing so silent? and i went back to bball, i could even heard the voice ue all making. what the dam is this?
when i was playin bball, a crow fly to the court. its kinda near me. it stayed there for long, but i continued to reminds me of something. i just like tt crow.
crow sometimes enjoys joy lesser than pain. but the pain can it show? no, it cant. the appearance looks like its fine, smiling. but its heart is paining. like a dip, a dip of blood dippin onto ur face.. and start to cry in a place. where no1 notice or could even guess out that its crying. i dont know anymore..i just take the pain anymore..thats why i start to play bball i nvr did. every shot i had to slam the board, and shoot. the song gives a pain.

okays. im okays liao (:
ue are the cure to me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

today very fun. hahas. out of a sudden i becam so friendly.
chatted wif vivian first at canteen, she makin the mashmallow. LOL. its for their camp uh.
den slack wif charlie a while,chatted.
went home, eat, changed. went back to sch again. play awhile.
went tuition.2-3.
but had to complete a essay be4 goin 2 hrs break.
den rush back to sch and play again.
play bball again.
1on1 wif xuanwei. played half way. i lead first. 3-0. of cuz. i cannot say its not a win. (:
den played match. team wif xuanwei. versus the other two guys, sec5 de. forgotten their name. :X
of cuz in the end they won. cuz they got hype up in the end. i hype up in the start. jumping around like a monkey. hahas lurv it!
me and xuanwei have the equal scores. 5,5.
den after that, xuanwei went home.
chatted abt sch ghost stories~
after that. everyone went home. for me, i went back to tuition again. 7-9
den after that. went home.

now worrying abt yinning alot. (:

Friday, June 4, 2010

while i was reading ur last time post. i found out alot of things about you. but the thing i always want to find. i couldnt find it. idk why. there are so many things that cant be forgotten.. i hope i could find back my sec1 posts...

heres my last time post link..
hahas. kinda scary now im still havent sleep. cuz im chionging my o'lvl art preparation and final work. so many things to draw and think. HEADACHE ~.~

haiz haiz. these few days will be dam dam bored. stay at home, study and rot.
cant hang out wif friends so much liaoz. haiz.
now everyday jus hope that at night i can use my bro phone to msn. if not, i will be more sian sian.
hahas. ate KFC. my tian lahs. i ownself buy and carry the whole meal home ~.~
dam alot to carry. carry till my whole finger and hand numb a while. hahas.
and of cuz. my hair is got cut by my mum. she angry till cut my hair. cuz she say i look like paikia wif tt hairstyle. i was like wtf sia. now ppl only thought tt i nvr spike liaoz. hahas. SIAN SIAN!

school as always. but was vry late. skip 2 lessons.
dne after school, play bball. team up wif kenneth. me,kenneth vs xuanwei,meijin.
we won! so lucky :D
im able to score also hahas~
den after that dry up go home. and ROT AGAIN!

tmr my dad coming back frm overseas. gotta be dam sian also. cuz cannot use com until this late luh. den i will have to be more guai also -.- if not, the punishment will be dam severe. HAIZ.

nxt tue, i guess that i can skip some lessons and play bball. hope that i can longthen the time. ~.~
but its gotta be DAM HARD. HAIZ.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hahas sorry sorry for the very very long long not posting.
kinda dam lazy to blog. wan to blog, but lazy to type a thing. ><
of course, these few days happen alot of things. good things bad things all have.
chinese coaching and blah blah.
idk why i still playing bball~ of cuz. i will try to control my time play. if not, i sure got killed by someone. hahas

haiz. my pay now everytime will got confiscated by my mum. Zzzzz
made me cannot buy anything. txk txk.

tts all for now bahs. alot of things i dont know how to type it out. but overall its fun! thanks to lionel,yunhui,charlie,dilys,yangxian,eugene,delene and and..idk who luh. hahas

today ptc is fun~~~ hahas thanks to all my friends. :D thanks guys!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

today art exam.. draw draw...colour colour..den finished. slept for 30mins. den over.
went 450. play a while. den tio called.zzzz
den went over to bustop..
the scene came...
a kitten was crying out in the road side...a lot of cars stop by a while.. and wait. and slowly drive past.. den a bus came...the kitten cry even louder... in a split second..the kitten is gone..and the kids behind me shout wheres the cat wheres the cat?! the bus den slowly drive...the kitten is gone... when the bus drive away... the kitten head is being crushed already...i can even see it shruggling for pain.. and it stopped... the kids was shock also.. i call yh they all, they came. and say to pick the cat up. i wen to pick up the cat. and put it at a side where the cars wont be running over it already... the scene is disgust...the kids even say that they are heros so loudly.. come out on newspaper and they will be famous in no time.. what fuck shit... made me piss off totally... sorry yh..
im still remembering the scene, remembering the weight of the kitten.. its size... everything....
deaths cant be ignored...
today played 8hrs of bball. theres all to say. i start to play street. but until the last game. i hate it the most. cuz i sucks to the core. its feels like im playing to a person that is me. O.O his foot steps are fast. or maybe i am slow. hahas.
cam home. burnt. leg cramp. gastrik. got cuts on leg. alot lahs. luckily i still can endure to the end. :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010 such a baka... i dont even know whats the reason..behind all these...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

today after exam
find darren.
go bbt.
slack a while wif darren,mikki,felicia they all.
played bball. till 1.30. ultra ultra de tired cuz tooo tooo long never play liaoz. but vry fast get used. play play play until my nerve dislocated for a while. totally cannot move my left leg. 0.0 den ask for sub. next is blisters bust. pain nia~
hahas. haiz....
still lose interest in bball. -.- hehe. borin sialllll. though its challenging. i finally can stop jiasheng from eatin me. hehe. kays nxt tue got free time again. :D byes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

sorry. i wont be postin till exams over. maybe 12th of May.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

dam it. jus cant help myself being sleepy. slept the whole lesson for mother tougue, at the same time listening to music.
play mobile game also. but my phone sot diao, keep on restart. ZZZZ

after sch had oral. -eng.
luckily is walcott. hahas or else...idk wat to say liaoz. especially for the picture part. nth to say sial.

went down to canteen and wait for friend. yh came to talk to me, when i was doin my work. talk alot of thhings, laughs laughs. maybe im the only one who is laughin. forget liaoz. lolol. den she went to sstudy cuz her 'teacher' sms her to COMEBACK. hahas (jus my guessing)
soon, joanna came. den raimy came to talk talk also. slowly.. slowly... my table becam vry crowded. dam crowded and also vry fun too. jus by like tt, i know 3 new friends? hahas all sec5s. hahas
jus found out ahmad cute childhood. hahas. dam funny.
frm 3.30 chat till 5.30. den went home.

now doin my art. using photoshop to colour my art. looks dam shit... i dont know what to do sial!!!!
RAWR!!! @.@

and also thx olive :D

heh. i found out tt tis yr i knew quite alot of new friends. :D
malays...chinese... all hav! ahahas. happy happy~

Saturday, April 24, 2010

-had sch of cuz.
-history test. slept after jus finishing half of the test. den shirley call me wake up. hahas. thx.
-after sch, slack, play chinese chess.
-went to art room, play a while of bball.
-see the POP.
-after their POP, i went for npcc activities.
hahas. best POP activities ever. i luv sec3 organize the games de most. its vry fun. especially when we ignore the whole rules of the game.
play till dam wet. den went to canteen.
-saw delene, n the others.
den bth of them came. i notice something is wrong, or i can say tt i can sense something is wrong.
-at canteen, eat eat party party. teach kaiming the correct way of shuffling. n teach till talk abt forming a crew. play play..
-den the sad parts come, as times starts to end.. alot of people cried.. while me i dont know why i cant cry it out. maybe ue are there? so i cant cry it out?
-den pilipanja... miss tt the most. its the last of the last time we will suffer and play togther..
miss ue guys and love ue guys. nxt yr camp i will want to go for it.

after all this went home. tired and missing~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

today, dont know why sudden HIGH.
maybe cuz got xiaopang bahs. hahas
he never fail to make ppl laughs.
used raysid phone the whole day at school. msgin msgin.
p.e. lesson, shuttle run. hahas dam pleased of my results. frm 10.5s to 9.6s.
hahas. dam happy and hyper again. played takrua wif guys. hahas. dam fun sial! nvr knew tt its is getting more n more fun den bball. hahas.
jisiao jisiao. den got buxx off. sianz. played badminton. WHUUUUUUUUUU!!!
hahas play badminton play till dam noisy. hahs.
dam funny also.
got phy test. man...half half.
i even sleep after finishin the test. didnt even bother to think or can say think until sleep. HAHS.
dont know why i feeled vry happy today. hahas
my bro got into japan university. cool cool. nxt time shld go there and stay wif him. hahas. I LURV JAPAN! YATA!
shall go off now~

Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shes indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on lookin
From left to right

Girl, cmon get closer
Look in my eyes
Searchin is so wrong
Im Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after this song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone

You cant make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please dont waste my time, time, time, time, time
Im not tryin to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

Let me show you what your missin
With me youre winning girl
You dont have to roll the dice
Justin Bieber Eenie Meenie lyrics found on
Tell me what youre really here for
Them other guys?
I can see right through ya

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Dont leave me out here dancin alone

Cant make up your mind
Please dont waste my time
Not tryin to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova

Cant make up your mind
Please dont waste my time
Not tryin to rewind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Sunday, April 18, 2010

today is quite a gd start? but dam sleepy~
went to sch sleep first. but weird thing is i nvr sleep in class eh!
got chem test tio scolded for not studyin. hahas. sian~
need to buck up man. jyjy~
history lesson- went library. saw augustine. jisiao him hahas.
star lesson-play~ TEKKEN!!! sian. in the end still lose though i mad a aggressive comeback. frm 4-0 to 4-4. ahahs.

l8r goin back sch for npcc, den tution. hope can get my pay. :D
today nothing much. got freakin nag by my parents. SIAN.
gonna mug l8r and tis wk and also for nxt wk. need to buck up all my subjects liaoz~~~
no more playin for me~~~~
sad sad. gotta miss ue also. i know ue miss me :D
jus had dinner at outside. FULL.
kays nth much. bye~

my story is still uncomplete~ theres more tmr and the future.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

why humans dont appreciate what they had, or always dont feel enough of it. when the person gave them what they wants. they still demands more for it. when they didnt get it, they starts to emo. and when there is person to help them, they take it for granted, didnt feel the person was there for them. and their words hurt the person who gave them what they wanted.
now doin art~
kinda sad tt i didnt went for speech day...haiz...
phone tio confiscated... dam sad...guess gotta buy a new sim card. :D
tts the way~
now saving money.. try not to spent money on eatin~~~~
im back~~~~